Let’s go back and remember what was popular/ in the mainstream for rock music in the year 2000. Unfortunately, it was Post grunge, Nu metal and Industrial metal. Acts like Powerman 5000 and Puddle of Mudd were relevant on the musical map and getting more focus than arguably better genres at the time, such as indie rock, Post Hardcore, stoner rock and the 2 nd wave of emo. Fortunately, there were still some gems that set the new millennium off with a metaphorical bang. Deftones 3 rd album White Pony marks a growing point in the bands musical history. Their 2 previous releases, Adrenaline and Around the fur were mature metal records blended with rap stylings and hardcore sensibilities. Around the fur I feel is a solid and mature effort which serves as a stepping stone for the maturity and artistic development seen on White Pony. Frank Delgado joined the band full time after providing audio effects for half of the songs on Around the fur, adding a new element to the bands song writ...
American Football’s self titled debut ended up being the only album they have released thus far in their career back in 1999, however the album epitomises the phrase “less is more” as the album and its 9 songs still intrigue and excite new and old fans alike. Upon release the band shortly split up, but since 2014 they have been touring and playing shows again. It’s very interesting to find a band with only one album release that can still be successful and popular. Perhaps the soft spoken, confessional lyrics that seem to relate to any teenager’s struggles mixed with dual guitars and varying time signatures of math rock is the perfect blend for making this album critically acclaimed. Album cover Each song is perfect for an indie/coming of age movie, capturing a melancholy mood with Steve Lamos' jazz drumming and Mike Kinsella and Steve Holmes' alternating/interacting guitars. It’s a beautiful album and one that you can get lost in as the songs blend together in a way tha...